Angry, once again.

Hello, my friends.  Alright.  This time, I’m not angry with myself.  I’m angry with Disney.  Why, you might ask?  Well, I was watching an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place, “Justin’s Back In.”  Near the end of the episode, I saw something very shocking.  Professor Crumbs, the headmaster of Wiztech, was holding a wand that very much resembled the Elder Wand from Harry Potter.


  1. Justin, Alex, and Max battle a dragon.  (See First Task in The Goblet of Fire)
  2. Justin, Alex, and Max save Harper and Zeke.  (See Second Task in The Goblet of Fire)
  3. Justin, Alex, and Max travel through a maze.  Justin gets caught on a vine.  Alex helps him.  Max catches up with them and they race to the end of the maze.  Justin gets out first.  Before Justin can be awarded as being a Full Wizard, he confesses that Alex helped him.  They end up both keeping their powers.  Max is left with the sub station.

The Goblet of Fire

  1. Viktor, Fleur, Cedric, and Harry each battle dragons.  (First Task)
  2. Victor, Fleur, Cedric, and Harry each save a person they would “miss the most.”  (Second Task)
  3. Viktor, Fleur, Cedric, and Harry travel through a maze.  Cedric gets pulled into the ground by a vine.  Harry helps him.  They both race to the end of the maze.  They both get out at the same time.  They argue about who takes the Cup, when Harry urges Cedric to let him share the Cup with him.

Shocking, the similarities in these completely different shows, isn’t it.

It may come off as though I am saying Waverly Place is a bad show.  It is not.  They could have been more original.

So how do you feel?  If these pictures I’ve posted do not show up, use the following links.

Crumb’s picture:,r:0,s:0,i:74

Dumbledore’s picture:,r:2,s:0,i:80
