TBR Tag!

Hey, guys 😀 The lovely Nirvana @ Nirvana’s Pocketful tagged me to do this tag forever ago, and I literally have a list beside me of all of the posts I need to write xD Anyway… better late than never, right?  Let’s get started.

How do you keep track of your TBR pile?

When I was a newbie (around June of 2012), I would make lists of series that I wanted to check out, but then I joined Goodreads and just started keeping track of my TBR digitally.  I’m a list person (see intro XD), so I would literally end up with a billion lists that had just… accumulated.  But they were pretty much lists of the same books.  For some reason, I felt the need to have multiple copies of these lists xD

Is your TBR mostly print books or e-books?

Definitely physical copies.  I don’t read e-books well, and there are only a few that I’ve actually successfully finished.  For some reason, reading off a device bores me!

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?

Uhh… heh.  I kind of panic about it for a couple days because I’m a really indecisive person.  And then I made my TBR wine glass for the unread books I actually own, but I kept forgetting to update it every time I bought a new book… so, uh, I really don’t know how I choose.  Sometimes I make other people choose for me XD I’m like, “Here, pick a book!”

A book that’s been on your TBR the longest?

*consults Goodreads*

This comes as a surprise to me, but the book that’s been on my TBR the longest is The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman.  I tried reading this book and watching the movie, but I couldn’t get into it.  It’s the very first book I put on my GR TBR, and that was March 26, 2013.

A book you recently added to your TBR?

Snail Mail, No More by Paula Danziger.  I read the first book in this series a long time ago, and it was cowritten with Ann M. Martin, which is why I was interested.  Anyway, I just recently (December) found out that there was a sequel and I was just like OMG NO WAY.  I’m definitely going to get this from the library soon!

A book on your TBR strictly because of its beautiful cover?

I don’t think any of us pay attention to the “don’t judge a book by its cover” advice… at least in the literal sense xD

HaloThe book is Halo by Alexandra Adornetto.  Have I thought about this book ever in the past year and a half?  No… Have I thought of this author ever in the past year and a half?  Uh… no… Do I know what this book is about?

*crickets chirp*

Because this book was only added to my TBR because of its AMAZING cover.  I mean, look at that!  Look at that.

A book on your TBR you never plan on reading?

*cough* The Golden Compass *cough*

An unpublished book in your TBR that you’re excited to read?

MAGNUS CHASE.  And Frozen Hearts by Topaz Winters 😀 I’m really excited for that one.

A book in your TBR everyone recommends to you?

You can probably guess this one: Throne of Glass.  EVERYONE tells me to read it.  I own it.  It’s sitting on my shelf as we speak… er… read.  In fact, I can see it now.  But have I picked it up?  Nu.  I mean, I read about fifteen pages, but I wasn’t into it so I just started something else xD

Number of books in your TBR?

You ready for this, guys?  Haha, no, I don’t think you are.

There are 472 books in my TBR.  There!  I said it!  *hides*

I have a problem xD

But, you know what?  If I could read roughly 100 books in a year, I could get my TBR finished in five years.  Unless I add more to it.  Ugh.

I’m tagging whoever sees this and thinks it’s interesting, because it’s late (or rather, early xD) and I don’t feel like chasing down ze links!  Thanks again to Nirvana for tagging me 😀 I have some more posts planned, so keep an eye out for those!



Bookshelf Tag + Brief Dusting off the Shelf Wrap-Up

First off, whoaaaa!  What happened to WordPress?  Not that I mind, it looks fab.  It was just a surprise to see it so different. 

But, hey everyone!  As you may or may not know, I participated in Emily’s Dusting off the Shelf two-week long read-a-thon.  Unfortunately, I didn’t read all of the books on my TBR… in fact, I only read one book on my TBR, which was Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier.  The reason I didn’t read much was because the read-a-thon started right when things usually get busy for me, in August.  I didn’t enjoy this read as much as I thought I would.  You can click the title of the book to see my non-spoilery review and my overall feels for the story. 

I did, however, read another book during that read-a-thon, and though it wasn’t part of my set TBR, I couldn’t put it off for much longer: Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout, whose books I am officially obsessed with.  You can find my very spoilery review by clicking the title. 😀

A quick note about Opposition: if you’ve finished the book, Jennifer L. Armentrout wrote a little peek into the lives of some of the characters from the book as celebration for the Lux series landing #4 on the New York Times YA Series list!  You can find her little story (it’s very short!) here.  I thought it was amazing, and I got all the feels. 😀  I’m warning you that if you haven’t read Opposition, you will be spoiled if you proceed to read this!

And now, on to the tag!

Nirvana @ Nirvana’s Pocketful tagged me for the Bookshelf Tag.  It looked super fun, and I feel like I haven’t done a tag in forever, so I decided to participate. 😀  You can find Nirvana’s original post here.  Let’s get started!


Answer the following questions about books on your book and then tag five other bloggers. You can answer the questions any way you want, whether it’s on your blog, in a video, or a combination of the two. Then remember to let whoever tagged you know when your post is up so they can read it.

1. Is there a book that you really want to read but haven’t because you know that it’ll make you cry?

Looking at my bookshelf, I see Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell (read my uncomfortable yet laughable story on how I obtained E&P, here), and I’ve heard that it’s a pretty sad book.  I’m not sure if I’ll cry, but hey, who knows?  Knowing that it’s a sad book isn’t really keeping me from reading it.  I just have so much other stuff to read!  But I’ll probably get the sad feels when I do end up reading it… Fingers crossed for a review soon? 😀

Eleanor & park

2. Pick one book that helped introduce you to a new genre. 

I don’t have this on my shelf (unfortunately), but Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins really opened me up to the contemporary genre.  I had read contemporaries before reading Anna, but I feel like I’m more open to contemporary now.  The last book, Isla and the Happily Ever After was just released, and it is on my shelf, just waiting to be read (I wonder when that’ll be…).


3. Find a book that you want to reread.

Fangirl.  Fangirl.  Fangirl.  Fangirl.  The book, Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.  Le sigh.  This book is simply amazing.  It is so relatable, to a very weird degree, but good weird.  I feel like so many people can relate to Cath.  I read one post by a fellow blogger, Chiara, who wrote a letter just expressing how much this book related to her, and her situation.  She wrote this post in April.  I still remember it.  Because this book touched so many people, including myself.  And I would love, love, love to reread this book more than anything else right now.


4. Is there a book series you read but wish that you hadn’t?

Are you going to be surprised when I don’t say Twilight?  Because, honestly, I liked Twilight (at least, I liked the first book).  Yeah, it had a lot, and I mean a lot of major flaws, but it’s a very easy read with a simple plot that anyone can follow.  The series I am choosing is probably Fallen by Lauren Kate, which was my first Lauren Kate book (I guess this is being turned into a movie…?).  I found the main character in this book to be sometimes worse than Bella Swan.  Plus, I found the plot terribly cliché and just… meh.  I didn’t finish that series, but I did try out another LK series, Teardrop, which I’m really liking. 


5. If your house was burning and all of your family and pets were safe, which book would you go back inside to save?

AS MANY BOOKS AS POSSIBLE.  Logically speaking, it wouldn’t be smart to, y’know, run inside a burning home that could collapse at any given moment.  But this is purely hypothetical (though I’d still probably try and pack a suitcase with as many books possible if this were a real scenario), and I love my books.  I don’t think it’s something that non-readers can understand.  But you know.

You know. 

6. Is there one book on your bookshelf that brings back fond memories?

There are so many books on my bookshelf that bring back incredible memories.  I think I’m going with The Celestial Globe by Marie Rutkoski, which is actually the second book in her Kronos Chronicles series.  The first book is the book that brings back the memories, The Cabinet of Wonders, but I sadly don’t own that book, just the last two books in the series. 😦 But it’s such a great series, middle-grade, and amazing.  I loved it.  ^-^ Great memories.  An honorable mention includes Goosebumps by R.L. Stine, because I was obsessed with that series when I was younger.   

The cabinet of wonders

7. Find a book that has inspired you the most. 

It’s probably a tie between Harry Potter and The Winnie Years, and really any series that I read when I was a bit younger.  The characters have inspired me (I really relate to Winnie) and some of the situations they went through were similar to lots of situations that I went through, so… just good books. 😀  I can’t really give a proper answer to this question because so many books have inspired me so much. 

8. Do you have any autographed books?

Indeed, I do!  I own Inkheart by Cornelia Funke, which I got signed at a signing.  Ms. Funke was so lovely. 😀  I also have a pre-signed copy of Champion by Marie Lu (thanks, Target!), and this other book, and it’s actually a children’s book that a family member had signed for me.  I just came back from digging around looking for it, but to no avail, I can’t seem to find it.  It was about this caterpillar and a… centipede?  Gah, I don’t remember!  But I love that book, and I really hope I can find it!

9. Find the book that you have owned the longest.

That would probably be one of my Judy Blume books (they have that old book smell… it’s not exactly, uh, pleasant…) or my New Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley series.  I read them when I was younger, okay? XD

10. Is there a book by an author you never imagined you would read and enjoy?

I read Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins, going into it thinking it would be mediocre.  Man, I was so wrong.  That book was brilliant!  So much wit and action and romance and—it’s just wonderful.  I actually got the whole trilogy in paperback (I’m really liking paperback these days…) over the weekend from B&N, and I totally had to rearrange my shelves to accommodate the series. O.o But I love it!  I can’t wait to read the last one!


 I Tag…

And you, of course. 😀  If you haven’t been tagged but still want to participate, go ahead and do it!  Leave me your links below if you’ve already done this tag, because I’d love to check them out. 

That’s all for now, and I’ll have a review of Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo up soon (hopefully XD)!  I just finished that book, and wow. 
