Updates Post!

Hello, bloggy and non-bloggy people!  How are you on this fine, fine Friday?  (I’m in a pretty good mood right now XD)

I thought I’d do this (hopefully quick) updates post (but you know I’m a rambler)!

So, I haven’t done a book haul in forever (back then, I used to call them “book batches.”  It’s been a while…), so I’ll do a quick library haul here, minus the photos (click the links if you want to see the books’ Goodreads pages):

Never Fade (The Darkest Minds, #2) by Alexandra Bracken — YESSSS!  Zee book eez miiiiine!  Well, not technically, since it belongs to the library… but you get the idea.

I was so excited to see Never Fade waiting for me at the library, because I absolutely adored The Darkest Minds.  That book ❤  You can find my rant-y review here.  Anyway, I’m on page 92, so no spoilers, please!

Leap Day by Wendy Mass — I love Wendy Mass.  Her books are so cute and just… *sigh*  The first book of hers that I read was Finally, which is the first book in the Willow Falls Series that’s about a girl who turns twelve and she made a list of everything her parents said she could get when she turned twelve… but as she gets them, things don’t exactly go as planned ;D (I think that’s the best summary I’ve ever written in my life, lol.)  I love middle grade, and this here book is no exception.

Anyway, I think Leap Day is more YA.  I read it early last year (I actually remember sitting outside and reading this particular book at this time of year, a year ago.  Crazy, huh?) and I’m pretty sure I finished it, but it was on the shelf, so I was like, “I’m just going to get it again!”  Plus, it had a Lauren Myracle review on it… can’t go wrong there, right?

Fruits Basket, Volume 3 by Natsuki Takaya — I finally memorized how to spell the author’s name.  That’s one awesome name, BTW, but I think it might be a pseudonym… Anywho!  I already finished and adored this manga, but I didn’t review it because I find mangas really hard to review, for some reason.  But it’s a great little book!  Tohru and Kyo and Yuki… *sigh* Kyo’s on the cover of this one ;D

Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky, #1) by Veronica Rossi — This is a surprise.  I know, I’m a tad late to the Under the Never Sky party, but it was just sitting on the shelf… usually there are never popular books in the YA section (there’s no chance you’d find Divergent just chillin’ on a shelf.  Nuh-uh) because they’re always with someone else!  I always have to order them.  I was extremely surprised to see this book at the library, but I snagged it when I had the chance!

House M.D., Season Six I don’t know if y’all watch House, but I’m in love with this show.  It’s off the air now (unless they’re showing reruns), so I order from the library.  There were some pretty good episodes in this season, I have to admit, especially after some of the devastating events that occurred in the last season.

I also wanted to show y’all this, which I made yesterday:

Ta da!!!
It’s my very own TBR cup, inspired by Falling Down the Rabbit Hole!  Heheh… their jar is more adorable and creative than mine, but hey, I couldn’t find a jar!  XD

Anyway, I have twenty-seven books in my at-home TBR pile.  Now, on little pieces of paper, it doesn’t look like a lot, but when you actually see all twenty-seven books, it looks like I’ve got a ton.  If I worked hard, I could probably get through this TBR pile this year, but… then there’s the library… and the rest is history.

IMG_2301[1]But I’m excited to use it!  I told my friend that when I pulled out the papers, I’d act like Effie Trinket, HAHAHA!  But, seriously, this cup is definitely going to help me.  I’m so indecisive when it comes to what book to read next.  This will come in handy…

Also!  I was nominated for an award!  The two awesome bloggers who nominated me, Stefani from Caught Read Handed (that’s one of the coolest blog names ever!), and The Resurgent Bookworm (who has, like, the most beautiful banner on the top of her blog) 😀  I’m working on both of your questions and nominees!  It’s in my drafts folder right now, because I’ve been trying to catch up with this book that I’ve been reading for an unacceptably long time.  I feel like I’m playing the “how far can I stretch this book out?” game.  When I reveal the amount of time I’ve spent on this book in its review, you might think I’m out of my mind.

But, yeah!  I’m working on the award post.  Thanks for nominating me, guys!  It should be up in no time 🙂

I should go now, before this “quick” post gets any longer.  I hope you enjoyed!



13 thoughts on “Updates Post!

  1. Congrats on the award. Your book haul sounds interesting, I have been wanting to read Darkest Minds, haven’t yet though. Right now I am reading City of Glass and Prodigy at sort of the same time. Haha. I really like the TBR thing (although I haven’t figured out what TBR stands for exactly) (I suck at acronyms). Sometime I think I’ll make me one. 🙂



    1. Thank you! Oh, yeah, you should definitely get on The Darkest Minds. That’s a great book. Just amazing.

      Ooh, you’re reading some awesome books! City of Glass and Prodigy were both enjoyable reads.

      Haha! I’m not too great with acronyms, either. “TBR” stands for “to be read.” It took me a while to figure that one out, heheh 😀


      1. I really should, I really should… Yeah, I think The Mortal Instruments are an awesome series. I also really liked Legend and am now liking Prodigy.
        Thanks, you just saved me hours of running the possible phrases in my head for the next hour. ha. 😀


    1. Thanks! Haha, yeah, I actually just found a jar about two seconds ago, but I’m sticking with my little, plastic cup XD

      I’m excited to read Under the Never Sky–I hope I like it! Happy Friday 🙂


  2. Your cup is awesome! When I did my TBR jar, I couldn’t find a jar either. I ended up using a random container, haha.


  3. Hehe so I see you loved the Darkest Minds!!! My favourite ❤
    And lol, I've got Into the Still Blue (Under the Never Sky #3) currently sitting on my bookshelf, bout to start reading it too!!! lol


Let me know your thoughts!