Blogging Awards Part 2: Liebster Blog Award

This is part two of my Blogging Awards post, and today will be focused on the Liebster Award, and Bookish is my kind nominator. ^-^ Thank you for this nomination. 😀 I love answering the questions—that’s my favorite part, and I was especially excited to answer these questions in particular, they’re really interesting.

I’ll be doing the same thing for this award, rather than nominating a bunch of blogs, I’ll recommend you to some amazing blogs that you may or may not have heard of.  That’s one of my favorite things about these blogging awards, seeing the people who were nominated.

liebsterrThe Rules:

1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their site.
2. Post the award logo on your blog or in a post.
3. Answer eleven questions about yourself.
4. Nominate eleven other bloggers, and give them new questions.

Questions from Bookish:

1. Why did you create your blog?  Do you have a goal for it?

I initially created my blog for the purposes of sharing my fanfiction writing (this may come as a shock to you, fellow new readers ;D).  I had wanted to put it up on, but didn’t think it would really get recognition there amongst all of the other fabulous fanfiction writers, y’know (there are some pretty good ones!)?  So I made my blog and put up the fanfiction… It’s, er, not the best, but at least I was writing.  That’s more than what I can say for right now.

(Fun fact: The first fanfiction I wrote was written all on lined paper.  This was before I even knew what I was doing, so there were pretty much no paragraphs on that first draft. XD Maybe I’ll put up a picture one day.)

As for having any goals for my blog?  I think just to keep with it and not stopping is enough, and to continue communicating with you guys. 😀 I think that’s my favorite part about blogging, getting feedback, or even just chatting with other bloggers.

2. Do you find yourself driven to watch your stats all the time or do you ignore them for the most part?

I used to watch my stats all the time when I was a new blogger.  I always wondered if I would get any followers, or any comments, or any viewers.  I don’t actually remember when I slowly stopped checking my stats as often, but I think it was when I began to get more readers and interact with other bloggers, because I felt more comfortable here.  I still do check the stats on occasion, though. ;D

3. Do you invite friends and family to follow your blog or would you rather cut off your hands before they participate?

I actually laughed at this. XD Well, I haven’t really invited my friends to my blog, just because they’re not the biggest readers, and I don’t think they’d really be interested in my content.  I’ve mentioned it to them before, but I don’t know if they’ve ever searched for me on the internet.  As for family, a few family members know about my blog, but not too many.  I’m cool with them reading it. ^-^

4. Do you worry about offending people on your blog or do you sometimes post things purposely knowing it will offend people but you like the discussion it brings?

Oh, I am very conscious of the content on my blog.  I don’t really want to put up anything controversial, because I don’t want to alienate anyone or make anyone uncomfortable.  I like having a happy atmosphere around here. 😀 Just imagine my blog is, like, a room with a bunch of bookshelves (I’ll share my books with you guys, since I know you’d take care of them XD) and comfy sofas, and, like, hot cocoa or something.

5. What book do you consistently give as a gift?

Well, this is going to sound odd: I’ve never gifted anyone a book.  Yep, you heard it here first.  And if I were to do so, that would be so stressful for me, lol.  First I’d have to find the perfect book, then I’d be worried that the person I was giving it to already had it, and that’s pretty much what I’d be thinking about for the whole time, and I wouldn’t want them to be disappointed or anything.

6. What kind of super power would you have if you could pick one?

 Probably telekinesis, or the ability to manipulate things with my mind.  I am constantly wishing that I had this power.  I’ll be sitting down to eat a bag of chips, and I realize I forgot to get a napkin or something, and I’m like, “Ugh, just when I got comfortable.  If only I had the power to make the paper towels move to me with my mind.”

7. Do you see yourself as the hero or the sidekick/Do you see yourself as the protagonist or a supporting character in your life?

Well, this is awkward. XD I feel like I would be the sidekick.  I’m the Ron.  Or, I guess, maybe the Hermione (lol), but I’m not nearly as clever as her. 😥 I’m not sure how one could be a supporting character in their own life… Hmm…

8. What do you do as a job in the real world?  If you could blog full-time and not have your day job, would you?

As of right now, my only job is school. 😛 I don’t know if I’d blog full-time, probably because I’d need something else to keep me occupied as well, like a hobby or another activity.  But, it’s a sweet offer. XD

9. Do you prefer flawed characters you don’t always like or pretty characters that consistently do the right, or at least morally right thing?

This is a toughie, guys.  I really like flawed and quirky characters, because nobody’s perfect, and even in fantasy, I like to have realistic characters with realistic problems.

10. Do you prefer non-fiction or fiction?

Fiction all the way, m’friends!

11.  Are you a good liar?  Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?

Erm, I’m okay.  I don’t think lying is a good thing, unless you think it’s absolutely necessary.  Like if you were captured by Death Eaters and had to lie your way out of it. XD

Amazing Blogs To Check Out:

Joey @ thoughts and afterthoughts
Nirvana @ Nirvana’s Pocketful
Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity
Laurel @ The Caffeinated Bibliophile
John @ Write me a book, John!
Yvo @ It’s All About Books
Thomas @ the quiet voice

And those are some other blogs that I really love to read. 😀 That’s it for now, and thanks again to Bookish, who nominated me for this award.  Great questions, too!

Blogging Awards Part 1: Sisterhood of the World Blog Award

Hey, guys!  So I’ve been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World award by Sarah @ Commas and Ampersands and the Liebster Award by Bookish!  Thank you so much for the nominations, guys! 😀

I know I’ve done the Liebster Award a few times before, but I haven’t done the Sisterhood of the World Award, yet.  But, I love being nominated for these awards, and I love doing the responses!  And whenever I’m nominated by someone, I always go back to the blogger who nominated me and see who else they nominated.  I think it’s a great way to discover amazing blogs!

But, because school has started for some people, I know that time is limited, so instead of nominating people for this award, I’m going to leave a list of other bloggers that you guys should check out, just because they’re awesome. ^-^  I’ll be splitting this post into two parts, because award posts are usually pretty long.  Let’s begin!

Sisterhood award

The Rules:

1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their site.
2. Post the award logo on your blog or in a post.
3. Answer the ten questions you’ve been set.
4. Nominate ten other bloggers and give them ten new questions.

Questions from Sarah:

1. What book or TV show have you expected to like and ended up hating or vice versa?

I’m really bad at keeping up with TV shows that still air.  I’d rather wait for the show to come out on DVD and order it from the library.  But one show that I didn’t expect to like much is Witches of East End.  I am in love with this show.  I binge-watched it in, like, the last week of June / first week of July, because I found the first season online on Hulu.  And then when the second season came out (we’re still on the second season), I started buying it off Amazon. ❤

2. Tell me about a character that’s taken you by surprise for a good or bad reason.

Sophie Mercer from the Hex Hall books really took me by surprise.  Actually, that whole series took me by surprise (I’m about to read the last book!).  I honestly didn’t expect it to be so good, and I didn’t expect Sophie to be so awesome.  I usually can’t stand main characters, but I really liked Sophie.  She’s really funny and sarcastic and isn’t perfect and she’s just fantastic.

3. If your home/school/work were suddenly attacked by zombies, what would your escape/survival plan be?

Oh, man, that’s a tough one.  I’ve actually never thought about this before, but here goes nothing.  If I were at home and places were being attacked by zombies, I would first find any necessities (food, water, clothes, etc.) and maybe escape out a window (I want to pretend to be, like, Day from Legend XD).  Then I would run (lol) and hide in a place where zombies were least-likely to invade (don’t ask me where) and with few people.  There I would wait until things calmed down and…

You know what, this is the most awful half-baked plan ever.

4. If you could easily master any skill, what would it be and why?

For a fictional skill, I’d choose magic (need I explain?).  And for an actual skill, perhaps the skill of editing.  I hate editing, and I’m horrible at it.  I feel like I don’t have the patience for it, which probably wouldn’t be very helpful for an aspiring author. :/

5. Do you have any superstitions?

Not really.  Well, does astrology count?  I don’t really “believe” in it, but I think it’s an interesting concept.

6. What have you read/watched/done recently that you’re excited to share with everyone?

I’m not sure if I’m excited to share this with everyone (it’s not that exciting), but I finally figured out how to use one of the newest iTunes updates, and I’ve learned how to transfer my Amazon music to iTunes.  I have to buy my digital music from Amazon now, because two years ago I was given an iTunes gift card, but when I went to use it, they asked me for the answers to security questions I never made… yeah.

7. What’s one place you’ve read/heard about that you would like to visit, mythical or otherwise?

Cliché, cliché, cliché, but I’m going with England.  I would love to travel to England.  That would be cool.

8. Tell me about something you’re looking forward to in the next year.

All of the books being released!  There are quite a few books being released toward the end of this year that I’m really excited about.

9. If you didn’t have a blog, how would you be spending your time right now?

Wishing I had a blog. XD Just kidding.  Though I had wanted my own blog for a long time before littleonionwrites was created, I’d probably be reading right now if I didn’t have a blog.

10. What’s a blogging milestone or experience that made you really happy?

Ooh, I’ve had so many blogging milestones that made me happy.  Even getting a like on one of my posts still makes me happy!  But one milestone that really stands out to me is when the author of OCD, The Dude, and Me, Lauren Roedy Vaughn, commented on my blog last summer. ^-^ I remember being so excited. 😀

Blogs To Check Out:

Ashley @ For the Love of the Page
Cristina @ Girl in the Pages
Anna @ Cool Girls Read Too
Topaz @ Topaz Winters
Stefani @ Caught Read Handed 

Part two will be up soon!  Thanks again to Sarah, who nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Award!